Mr. O'Sullivan's 4th Class
Our class has spent the term so far settling into 4th class life and have been very busy along the way.
We have been working hard at Narrative and Procedural writing, working with data and multiplication in maths, building electrical circuits in science and learning about Ireland's woodlands in Geography .
We have been working hard at Narrative and Procedural writing, working with data and multiplication in maths, building electrical circuits in science and learning about Ireland's woodlands in Geography .
4th class have been regularly testing their problem solving skills with riddles and puzzles. We have also had our annual fun day, maths week, football with Dave and trips to Kevin St. Library and the Cabbage Patch football pitch. All in all a busy couple of months.
4th class also welcomed Ms. McGregor into our class for 5 weeks and had a lot of fun learning during her lessons all about the Titanic and Halloween.
4th class also welcomed Ms. McGregor into our class for 5 weeks and had a lot of fun learning during her lessons all about the Titanic and Halloween.
Mr. O'Sullivan's 3rd Class
3rd Class have been busy in the first three months of 2023. In January, we celebrated Grandparents’ Day, welcoming family into our classroom to share our work and environment with them.
In PE we have been limbering up with gymnastics, practising lifts, jumps, rolls and balances. This has been a wonderful way of showing our collaborative skills and trust in one another in 3rd class.
We have been working hard with Saoirse and Junior Achievement Ireland to learn about Our Planet and how we can ensure we look after it for ourselves and future generations. Again, this has involved some outstanding teamwork and has tied in well with some of our learning from our Green School campaigns.
We have been developing our artistic skills in the last number of months concentrating on the creative process of Matisse's later collage work. The process itself was a great learning experience and the results were very striking. In addition to this we have begun working with Leah and Mia from NCAD who have begun some amazing collaborative work with fabric and fibres.
In March we have been making a huge effort on our reading, both in class in reading groups and at home for the Scoil Treasa Léamha Pageturners competition with some hugely impressive results.
In March we have been making a huge effort on our reading, both in class in reading groups and at home for the Scoil Treasa Léamha Pageturners competition with some hugely impressive results.
Wow... what a busy 6 weeks for 3rd class. We've been working hard and having fun through Science Week, our Write to Read Celebration, covering important topics in SPHE, learning about the An Geimhreadh in Gaeilge and tackling multiplication, division and fractions in maths and all the while gearing up for Christmas. We've been doing our best to be helpful and generous to our classmates, working for and with each other and are now really settled into 3rd class. We paid a visit to Kevin Street Library and chose some books to add to our own class library. In addition to all of the above (and maybe most importantly of all) we have been keeping an eye on the World Cup and filling in our wall chart as the tournament progresses. Unfortunately our class teams of Canada, Denmark, Japan and the Netherlands have long since gone home but we enjoyed learning about them along the way.
Scoil Treasa Naofa's Write to Read celebration took place on the 24th of November and it was really a magical experience for teachers, parents and children alike. 3rd class had the opportunity to showcase all their hard work and creativity in the writing process to parents and family members.
Scoil Treasa Naofa's Write to Read celebration took place on the 24th of November and it was really a magical experience for teachers, parents and children alike. 3rd class had the opportunity to showcase all their hard work and creativity in the writing process to parents and family members.
During Science Week and beyond we explored how electric currents work by using a battery and wires to create a simple electric circuit which powered a lightbulb. Thank you to 4th class for helping demonstrate this process with us.
We also had some great practical learning fun with magnets, learning how magnets work and testing and classifying various objects as magnetic and non magnetic. Together with 1st class we took a visit to our wormery in the garden and learned about how composting our organic waste contributes to the worms habitat.
We also had some great practical learning fun with magnets, learning how magnets work and testing and classifying various objects as magnetic and non magnetic. Together with 1st class we took a visit to our wormery in the garden and learned about how composting our organic waste contributes to the worms habitat.
In Maths we have spent two weeks learning about fractions. We have really enjoyed using concrete materials (and pizza!) to explore what fractions are and have challenged ourselves problem solving using fractions. We built our own fraction walls in pairs which really helped us to visualise.
While learning about Egypt in Geography and History, we explored colour tones to create our dramatic silhouette paintings of the Pyramids of Giza. We really enjoyed the process of creating a wash of blended colours, cutting our varied triangles and are pleased with our end product.
November and December have seen 3rd class developing their hurling skills with Jenny from Kevins Hurling and Camogie Club. We might have a few future Patrick Horgans on our hands (if we can get a few transfers to Cork.. Sorry Dubs).
In September and October 2022 we have been settling into 3rd class. We have been busy in class, getting used to all our new routines, working hard and having fun.
We celebrated Wellbeing with a Fun Day and took part in activities such as drumming, face painting, yoga and making toffee apples.
We celebrated Wellbeing with a Fun Day and took part in activities such as drumming, face painting, yoga and making toffee apples.
In maths we have been learning about shape, discovering properties through using lollipop sticks and geoboards. We also created some clever patterns for Maths Week to showcase to the rest of the school.
We have also began drafting ideas for Halloween decorations and art. Watch this space...
We have also began drafting ideas for Halloween decorations and art. Watch this space...
Ms. Henry's 2nd Class
September 2021 in 2nd class was off to a busy start!
While we were all catching up on our summer news we were also working super hard revising all our work from 1st class. 2nd class did really impressive work. Have a look at what we got up to...
While we were all catching up on our summer news we were also working super hard revising all our work from 1st class. 2nd class did really impressive work. Have a look at what we got up to...
We celebrated some very important Birthdays!
We made amazing creative collages!
We learned about Light in Science and did an experiment with our own shadows
October News 2021
2nd class learned all about Autumn and the changes we see in Autumn. We decided to make some animal art using the leaves that had changed colour in our lovely garden.
We're learning new WOW words each week.
2nd class worked hard learning 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes' as Gaeilge and performed it for one another in groups
Check out our Fabulous and Scary Halloween costumes on our Halloween parade
We wrote procedures on how to make a magic potion and we got to drink one of Ms. Henry's potions.
November News
We were very busy preparing questions for our interview with Sr. Eilish about how she stays healthy and happy. We got lots of tips from her. We were painting beautiful snowy winter trees. 2nd class are having a great time learning how to hurl with their coach Jenny, she's very impressed with our skills so far. We also designed houses in our pods after learning about different types of homes in SESE. We are super at teamwork!
December News
2nd class had a very busy December preparing for our Christmas play. The children were great performers, you can watch us perform by following the link . We had a very special visitor come to room 6 too. Santa gave us fabulous gifts to read over our Christmas holidays. We were SO excited!
January 2022
Happy New Year!
We are ready for a great year in 2022.
We have been learning lots since returning to school.
We did our first ever group project in our pods and they turned out fantastic!
Our project was about exploring China and the Chinese New Year.
We also started working on our football skills in P.E. and we have some terrific footballers in the making!
We did a very interesting experiment about static electricity using a balloon and paper - click through the slideshow to see the results.
We are ready for a great year in 2022.
We have been learning lots since returning to school.
We did our first ever group project in our pods and they turned out fantastic!
Our project was about exploring China and the Chinese New Year.
We also started working on our football skills in P.E. and we have some terrific footballers in the making!
We did a very interesting experiment about static electricity using a balloon and paper - click through the slideshow to see the results.
February in 2nd class
2nd class had an exciting February. We learned about length and measuring in Maths and used Ribbons, rulers and metre sticks to measure different objects in the classroom.
We also celebrated Pancake Day and the children decorated their pancakes with sprinkles and marshmallows - amazing tasty creations !! Some of the children had their first trip to the church on Ash Wednesday in preparation for our first holy communion.
We also celebrated Pancake Day and the children decorated their pancakes with sprinkles and marshmallows - amazing tasty creations !! Some of the children had their first trip to the church on Ash Wednesday in preparation for our first holy communion.
March started out Jam Packed. First we celebrated world book day and we had a fashion show to see all our character costumes. We learned all about the Farm and farms long ago in SESE. The children wrote very informative reports about cows. We even got to milk our class cow 'Emily'. We also had a Lá glás for St. Patrick's Day! We tried out some Irish Dancing too.
February 22, 2021
Hello 1st class! I hope you enjoyed a very well deserved break. I look forward to hearing all your news today's at our 12 pm Zoom. Below you will find a link to a photo collage of some of the FANTASTIC art work sent in recently. Don't forget to send in any lovely art you are completing at home. I look forward to receiving your Seesaw activities today.
Click on the button below to take a look at some 1st class art work!
Hello 1st class! I hope you enjoyed a very well deserved break. I look forward to hearing all your news today's at our 12 pm Zoom. Below you will find a link to a photo collage of some of the FANTASTIC art work sent in recently. Don't forget to send in any lovely art you are completing at home. I look forward to receiving your Seesaw activities today.
Click on the button below to take a look at some 1st class art work!

February 5th, 2021
Hello 1st class. I hope you had a lovely weekend. I look forward to hearing all your weekend news at our 1st Class Zoom at 12 pm today. I will also be announcing this weeks CHALLENGE for those that would like to participate.
In the meantime I look forward to receiving today's activities on Zoom. See you later!
Hello 1st class. I hope you had a lovely weekend. I look forward to hearing all your weekend news at our 1st Class Zoom at 12 pm today. I will also be announcing this weeks CHALLENGE for those that would like to participate.
In the meantime I look forward to receiving today's activities on Zoom. See you later!
February 4th 2021,
Well done the the Yellow Yabbies and the Red Robins for participating in their zooms yesterday.
Today the Green Geckos have a Maths Zoom at 12 pm.
Today the Blue Belugas have a Reading Zoom at 12 pm.
Today is the last day to work on your bird feeder challenge. Remember information and ideas can be found below if you scroll down.
Have a lovely day.
Well done the the Yellow Yabbies and the Red Robins for participating in their zooms yesterday.
Today the Green Geckos have a Maths Zoom at 12 pm.
Today the Blue Belugas have a Reading Zoom at 12 pm.
Today is the last day to work on your bird feeder challenge. Remember information and ideas can be found below if you scroll down.
Have a lovely day.
February 3rd 2021,
Please click the green button below to see an important message from Ms. Duggan's sock puppet.
Please click the green button below to see an important message from Ms. Duggan's sock puppet.
Today at 12 pm the Yellow Yabbies (Blake, Yasmin, Penny, Emma. F, Milan & Skylar) have a Zoom Reading Group.
Today at 12 pm the Red Robins (Artur, Manahil, Noor, Yousef, Miley &
Emma. J) have a Zoom Maths Group.
We hope to see you there! I look forward to receiving everyone's work on Seesaw. Have a lovely day!
Today at 12 pm the Red Robins (Artur, Manahil, Noor, Yousef, Miley &
Emma. J) have a Zoom Maths Group.
We hope to see you there! I look forward to receiving everyone's work on Seesaw. Have a lovely day!
February 2nd 2021,
Good morning,
Today at 12 pm the Green Geckos (Mahdi, Hannah, Yasmin, Lily & Frankie) will be having a reading zoom.
Today at 12 pm the Blue Belugas ( Adam H., Juwairiyah, Grace, Jack, Darian & Adam P.C.) will be having a maths zoom.
Bird Feeder Challenge ideas can be found below.
Hello again, it was great to see so many of you on today's Monday Zoom Catch Up ! It was lovely to hear all your weekend news, many thanks for sharing. As always you did a great job listening and Naming That News!!! As I mentioned on the Zoom this weeks challenge is the BIRD FEEDER CHALLENGE. You you choose to try this challenge please click on the button below to do some research and get some ideas about some different ways you can make a bird feeder out of recycled goods.
When we all meet up back in class we will fill our bird feeders with bird seed and hang this in the school garden!
When we all meet up back in class we will fill our bird feeders with bird seed and hang this in the school garden!
- February 1st 2021,
- Good morning 1st class. I hope everyone had a lovely and very well earned relaxing weekend. Today there will be a 1st class Zoom at 12 pm. I look forward to hearing your news from the weekend and finding out what your puppets may have gotten up to! I have already received some fabulous photos and videos of some very lucky puppets enjoying some super cool adventures. I hope to see you later! In the meantime I look forward to receiving your Seesaw activities.
January 29th 2021,
Happy Friday 1st class ! I have to say it has been another very busy and productive week of online learning. I am so impressed with everyone for showing up and participating in their reading and maths zooms. The amount of time and effort put into Seesaw activities and IXL is very impressive. You should be very proud of all your brilliant effort.
Today at 12 pm the Yellow Yabbies (Blake, Yasmin, Penny, Emma. F, Milan & Skylar ) have a Zoom Maths Group.
Today at 12 pm the Red Robins(Artur, Manahil, Noor, Yousef, Miley &
Emma. J) have a Zoom Reading Group.
And don't forget at 1:00 pm we have our WHOLE CLASS zoom. I look forward to meeting your Puppet Art Challenge creations.
See your later!
Happy Friday 1st class ! I have to say it has been another very busy and productive week of online learning. I am so impressed with everyone for showing up and participating in their reading and maths zooms. The amount of time and effort put into Seesaw activities and IXL is very impressive. You should be very proud of all your brilliant effort.
Today at 12 pm the Yellow Yabbies (Blake, Yasmin, Penny, Emma. F, Milan & Skylar ) have a Zoom Maths Group.
Today at 12 pm the Red Robins(Artur, Manahil, Noor, Yousef, Miley &
Emma. J) have a Zoom Reading Group.
And don't forget at 1:00 pm we have our WHOLE CLASS zoom. I look forward to meeting your Puppet Art Challenge creations.
See your later!
January 28th 2021,
A BIG BIG WELL DONE to the Yellow Yabbies and the Red Robins that attended their Zoom classes yesterday. There was tons of great work done in Reading with Ms. Henry and in Maths with Ms. Duggan.
Today at 12 pm the Green Geckos (Mahdi, Hannah, Yasmin, Lily & Frankie) will be having a Maths Zoom.
Today at 12 pm the Blue Belugas ( Adam H., Juwairiyah, Grace, Jack, Darian & Adam P.C.) will be having a Reading Zoom.
We hope to see all the Geckos and all the Belugas at their Zoom Classes today.
The work being submitted on Seesaw is absolutely FABULOUS. I was delighted to see some more 1st class student join Seesaw this week. WELCOME and well done to you for joining. Please remember you do not have to complete every single activity put up each day. You can pick and choose which activities you would like to work on.
I look forward to receiving your lovely work throughout the day.
A BIG BIG WELL DONE to the Yellow Yabbies and the Red Robins that attended their Zoom classes yesterday. There was tons of great work done in Reading with Ms. Henry and in Maths with Ms. Duggan.
Today at 12 pm the Green Geckos (Mahdi, Hannah, Yasmin, Lily & Frankie) will be having a Maths Zoom.
Today at 12 pm the Blue Belugas ( Adam H., Juwairiyah, Grace, Jack, Darian & Adam P.C.) will be having a Reading Zoom.
We hope to see all the Geckos and all the Belugas at their Zoom Classes today.
The work being submitted on Seesaw is absolutely FABULOUS. I was delighted to see some more 1st class student join Seesaw this week. WELCOME and well done to you for joining. Please remember you do not have to complete every single activity put up each day. You can pick and choose which activities you would like to work on.
I look forward to receiving your lovely work throughout the day.
January 27th 2021,
Well done to the Green Geckos and the Blue Belguas that participated in their Zoom meetings yesterday. It was lovely to hear about how your puppets are coming along so far! My puppet now has eyes and a tail!
Today at 12 pm the Yellow Yabbies (Blake, Yasmin, Penny, Emma. F, Milan & Skylar ) have a Zoom Reading Group.
Today at 12 pm the Red Robins (Artur, Manahil, Noor, Yousef, Miley & Emma. J) have a Zoom Maths Group.
We hope to see you there!
You will find new activities on Seesaw today. I look forward to receiving your work .
Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!
January 26th 2021,
It was lovely to see so many of you on yesterday's zoom call. I wonder if any of you have started your puppets yet? For those of you who could not make it to yesterday's zoom class I have given 1st class a little ART CHALLENGE for Friday. I have asked students to make a puppet. It could be made out of a sock, a bag a box or anything else you would like to make it out of. On Friday you will each have the opportunity to introduce your puppet and share a little information about it.
Today at 12 pm the Green Geckos (Mahdi, Hannah, Yasmin, Lily & Frankie) will be having a reading zoom.
Today at 12 pm the Blue Belugas ( Adam H., Juwairiyah, Grace, Jack, Darian & Adam P.C.) will be having a maths zoom.
We hope to see you at your zoom classes.
There are new activities up on seesaw today. I look forward to receiving your completed work.
Have a lovely day!
It was lovely to see so many of you on yesterday's zoom call. I wonder if any of you have started your puppets yet? For those of you who could not make it to yesterday's zoom class I have given 1st class a little ART CHALLENGE for Friday. I have asked students to make a puppet. It could be made out of a sock, a bag a box or anything else you would like to make it out of. On Friday you will each have the opportunity to introduce your puppet and share a little information about it.
Today at 12 pm the Green Geckos (Mahdi, Hannah, Yasmin, Lily & Frankie) will be having a reading zoom.
Today at 12 pm the Blue Belugas ( Adam H., Juwairiyah, Grace, Jack, Darian & Adam P.C.) will be having a maths zoom.
We hope to see you at your zoom classes.
There are new activities up on seesaw today. I look forward to receiving your completed work.
Have a lovely day!
January 25th 2021,
Happy Monday 1st class! I hope you all had a very lovely and relaxing weekend. I look forward to hearing all your news on our ZOOM at 12 pm today. Below you will see our 1st class ZOOM timetable for the week. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at [email protected]. There is a selection of activities up on Seesaw today. I look forward to receiving your work throughout the day. See you later!
Happy Monday 1st class! I hope you all had a very lovely and relaxing weekend. I look forward to hearing all your news on our ZOOM at 12 pm today. Below you will see our 1st class ZOOM timetable for the week. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at [email protected]. There is a selection of activities up on Seesaw today. I look forward to receiving your work throughout the day. See you later!
January 21st 2021,
Happy Thursday 1st class. A big thank you to everyone who attended yesterdays zoom classes. Well done for all your participation and fabulous reading. Today the Blue Belugas (Adam. H, Adam. C, Grace, Juwairiyah, Jack & Darian ) will have their reading group at 12 pm on zoom. The login information was sent via email & text.
I hope you enjoy todays zoom activities. I look forward to receiving all your lovely work.. Don't forget to continue to review and practice your Dolch list. They can be found in a tab at the top of this page just under the class photo.
Have a wonderful day!
January 20th 2021,
Good morning. Many thanks to everyone who attended their zooms classes yesterday and for all your fantastic participation. Today the Yellow Yabbies ( Penny, Blake, Emma. F, Yasmin, Milan & Skylar ) will have their reading group at 12 pm on zoom. The login information was sent via email & text.
I am absolutely thrilled with the fabulous work that continues to be submitted on Seesaw. Please remember each activity is optional and you can pick and choose which ones you will complete. Some days you may feel like completing all of them and other days you may want to do less. Don't forget to continue to review and practice your Dolch list. They can be found in a tab at the top of this page just under the class photo.
Have a lovely day!
Good morning. Many thanks to everyone who attended their zooms classes yesterday and for all your fantastic participation. Today the Yellow Yabbies ( Penny, Blake, Emma. F, Yasmin, Milan & Skylar ) will have their reading group at 12 pm on zoom. The login information was sent via email & text.
I am absolutely thrilled with the fabulous work that continues to be submitted on Seesaw. Please remember each activity is optional and you can pick and choose which ones you will complete. Some days you may feel like completing all of them and other days you may want to do less. Don't forget to continue to review and practice your Dolch list. They can be found in a tab at the top of this page just under the class photo.
Have a lovely day!
January 19th 2021,
Good morning 1st class. It was wonderful to see so many of you and hear all your interesting news on yesterdays zoom call. Today there will be a zoom meeting for the Green Geckos ( Mahdi, Lilly, Indie, Hannah, Frankie ). at 12 pm. I hope to see all the Green Geckos there.
Have a lovely day and I look forward to receiving your work.
Good morning 1st class. It was wonderful to see so many of you and hear all your interesting news on yesterdays zoom call. Today there will be a zoom meeting for the Green Geckos ( Mahdi, Lilly, Indie, Hannah, Frankie ). at 12 pm. I hope to see all the Green Geckos there.
Have a lovely day and I look forward to receiving your work.
January 18th 2021,
Good morning 1st class. I hope you had a very enjoyable and relaxing weekend. Today we will be having a full class Zoom catch up at 12 pm. I have sent the login details via email and Aladdin text. I hope to see you all there! I look forward to hearing all your news. If you happen to have earphones at home could I kindly ask you to please wear them. It significantly reduces background noises and makes it easier for everyone to listen and focus. Many thanks.
To everyone who continued to do work on Seesaw over the weekend WELL DONE to you. I couldn't believe all the fabulous work you were submitting during your free time. I am delighted you are enjoying using Seesaw.
See you later today :)
Good morning 1st class. I hope you had a very enjoyable and relaxing weekend. Today we will be having a full class Zoom catch up at 12 pm. I have sent the login details via email and Aladdin text. I hope to see you all there! I look forward to hearing all your news. If you happen to have earphones at home could I kindly ask you to please wear them. It significantly reduces background noises and makes it easier for everyone to listen and focus. Many thanks.
To everyone who continued to do work on Seesaw over the weekend WELL DONE to you. I couldn't believe all the fabulous work you were submitting during your free time. I am delighted you are enjoying using Seesaw.
See you later today :)
January 15th 2021,
HAPPY FRIDAY 1st class !!! We have officially completed our 1st week of remote learning. You and your families deserve a big pat on the back for a very successful and productive week. I am so impressed by all the fantastic work being submitted and how quickly everyone has grasped how to use our new online platform, Seesaw. There were selfies and audios and digital artwork being submitted, it was absolutely amazing.
A BIG thank you to the Blue Belugas who participated in our Zoom reading group yesterday. It was great to see you, catch up with you and hear all your fabulous reading and responses.
Todays reading group is the Red Robins (Artur, Manahil, Yousef, Emma J, Miley & Noor). Your Zoom is at 12 pm. I have sent login information via email to Red Robin parents. I hope to see you there and please bring your book entitled 'Drawing Together'.
I hope you all have lovely day and a very well deserved break this weekend :)
HAPPY FRIDAY 1st class !!! We have officially completed our 1st week of remote learning. You and your families deserve a big pat on the back for a very successful and productive week. I am so impressed by all the fantastic work being submitted and how quickly everyone has grasped how to use our new online platform, Seesaw. There were selfies and audios and digital artwork being submitted, it was absolutely amazing.
A BIG thank you to the Blue Belugas who participated in our Zoom reading group yesterday. It was great to see you, catch up with you and hear all your fabulous reading and responses.
Todays reading group is the Red Robins (Artur, Manahil, Yousef, Emma J, Miley & Noor). Your Zoom is at 12 pm. I have sent login information via email to Red Robin parents. I hope to see you there and please bring your book entitled 'Drawing Together'.
I hope you all have lovely day and a very well deserved break this weekend :)
January 14th 2021,
I hope everyone is having a lovely week so far. I continue to be impressed by all your hard work. A BIG thank you to the Yellow Yabbies that participated in yesterdays Zoom reading group. It was lovely to see you, have a chance to catch up and hear all your lovely reading. Today is the Blue Belugas (Adam H, Adam P.C., Jack Grace, Juwairiyah & Darian) Zoom reading group. It is at 12 PM. I hope you can make it! The zoom login details have been sent on to Blue Belugas parents.
Have a lovely day and I look forward to receiving todays work.
I hope everyone is having a lovely week so far. I continue to be impressed by all your hard work. A BIG thank you to the Yellow Yabbies that participated in yesterdays Zoom reading group. It was lovely to see you, have a chance to catch up and hear all your lovely reading. Today is the Blue Belugas (Adam H, Adam P.C., Jack Grace, Juwairiyah & Darian) Zoom reading group. It is at 12 PM. I hope you can make it! The zoom login details have been sent on to Blue Belugas parents.
Have a lovely day and I look forward to receiving todays work.
January 13th 2021,
Good morning 1st class. Another successful day of online work yesterday. I was very impressed by all the wonderful work submitted. Today myself and Ms. Henry will be meeting with the Yellow Yabbies (Yasmin, Emma F, Penny, Milan, Blake & Skylar) reading group on Zoom at 12 PM. I hope you can make it! The zoom login details have been sent on to Yellow Yabby parents.
I hope you all enjoy todays Seesaw activities. I look forward to receiving your finished work.
Have a lovely day.
Good morning 1st class. Another successful day of online work yesterday. I was very impressed by all the wonderful work submitted. Today myself and Ms. Henry will be meeting with the Yellow Yabbies (Yasmin, Emma F, Penny, Milan, Blake & Skylar) reading group on Zoom at 12 PM. I hope you can make it! The zoom login details have been sent on to Yellow Yabby parents.
I hope you all enjoy todays Seesaw activities. I look forward to receiving your finished work.
Have a lovely day.
January 12th 2021,
Good morning 1st class,
It was lovely to see you all on zoom yesterday and hear all your news. Thank you for joining in. We will have a whole class zoom every Monday.
I was so impressed by all the hard work you accomplished on Seesaw yesterday. For our first day, I must say, it was a BIG success. Many thanks for sending on all your fantastic work. I enjoyed reading it and listening to your recordings.
There are new activities up on Seesaw today. Please remember they are optional, you can do as many or as few as you like. If you are having difficulty getting a particular activity to open you can skip it and go on to another, sometimes there may be a technical problem.
For those of you who did book work yesterday, very well done.
Today I will be meeting with the Green Geckos (Frankie, Lily, Indie, Hannah & Mahdi) on Zoom at 12 for our reading group. I look forward to seeing you there!
Have a lovely day.
January 11th 2021,
Hello first class students and parents. I hope you are well and all enjoyed a relaxing holiday. Today we will begin our online work on Seesaw. The login information for Seesaw was provided in the homework packs picked up on Friday. If you are in need of the code being resent please email me at [email protected] and I would be happy to provide you with it.
Today you will find some Literacy, Maths and Art activities to complete on Seesaw. Each activity is optional, you can do as few or as many as you decide. Below you will find a button that will take you straight the the Seesaw login page. You will also find your Dolch list here and Oxford Reading Owl (the password for Oxford Reading Owl is Superkids) and Epic (the login password for Epic is sdy1465) which are two online reading libraries where you can select and choose books to read online.
Today we will have our 1st Zoom meeting at 12. I hope to see you there. I look forward to hearing about your Christmas break and all your news!
See you later,
Ms. Duggan
Hello first class students and parents. I hope you are well and all enjoyed a relaxing holiday. Today we will begin our online work on Seesaw. The login information for Seesaw was provided in the homework packs picked up on Friday. If you are in need of the code being resent please email me at [email protected] and I would be happy to provide you with it.
Today you will find some Literacy, Maths and Art activities to complete on Seesaw. Each activity is optional, you can do as few or as many as you decide. Below you will find a button that will take you straight the the Seesaw login page. You will also find your Dolch list here and Oxford Reading Owl (the password for Oxford Reading Owl is Superkids) and Epic (the login password for Epic is sdy1465) which are two online reading libraries where you can select and choose books to read online.
Today we will have our 1st Zoom meeting at 12. I hope to see you there. I look forward to hearing about your Christmas break and all your news!
See you later,
Ms. Duggan
Oxford Owl Login:
Username: msduggansclass
Password: superkids
Username: msduggansclass
Password: superkids
Epic login password: sdy1465
November & December News
We have been very busy and productive here in 1st class. In November we learned all about the 8 planets in our solar system and conducted some fun and interesting experiments for Science week. We have also been very busy writers working on narrative stories, including some Christmas stories. There was tons of excitement when our special guest visitor arrived in December. Elfie the elf has been keeping us on our toes in the lead up to Christmas. I hope everyone in 1st class enjoys a fun, safe, relaxing and very well deserved break.
We have been very busy and productive here in 1st class. In November we learned all about the 8 planets in our solar system and conducted some fun and interesting experiments for Science week. We have also been very busy writers working on narrative stories, including some Christmas stories. There was tons of excitement when our special guest visitor arrived in December. Elfie the elf has been keeping us on our toes in the lead up to Christmas. I hope everyone in 1st class enjoys a fun, safe, relaxing and very well deserved break.

September & October,
1st Class has been working very hard learning all about Autumn and animals preparing for hibernation. In writing we explored procedural writing and wrote procedures for magic potions! Ms. Duggan made a calculation error and her magic potion exploded in class! The lead up to Halloween was tons of fun. We made 2D monsters and had a pumpkin carving contest. It was a very productive and enjoyable 1st term.
1st Class has been working very hard learning all about Autumn and animals preparing for hibernation. In writing we explored procedural writing and wrote procedures for magic potions! Ms. Duggan made a calculation error and her magic potion exploded in class! The lead up to Halloween was tons of fun. We made 2D monsters and had a pumpkin carving contest. It was a very productive and enjoyable 1st term.
First Class is off to an absolutely wonderful start. We have been very busy and productive over the course of the last two weeks. We have been working away at recount writing, Dolch word practice, addition and handwriting amongst a variety of other things. And all this while quickly adapting to the new routines and regulations that have been put in place to ensure our health and safety. I couldn't be more impressed with this fantastic first class.
Just below the class picture you will find links to our Dolch lists for practice at home. You will also find a link to Oxford Owl where your child can access an online library and choose a book to read nightly. Once inside the Oxford Owl website go to my class login located at the top and the class name is msduggansclass and the password is superkids.
Please remember if you have any questions or concerns to feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Just below the class picture you will find links to our Dolch lists for practice at home. You will also find a link to Oxford Owl where your child can access an online library and choose a book to read nightly. Once inside the Oxford Owl website go to my class login located at the top and the class name is msduggansclass and the password is superkids.
Please remember if you have any questions or concerns to feel free to contact me at [email protected]
It's officially your last week in Senior Infants. You have all worked so hard during the year so there are some fun activities planned for the week. You might even be going on a virtual school tour! Don't forget to join our Zoom call today to see can you beat Ms McCann in the quiz! (I bet you can!) Have a fun week :)

It's Sports and Well being week this week and Mr Nolan and Ms Dolan have put lots of ideas together that you can do throughout the week. Take a look at the activity page where you will find the link to the website page and you will also see some optional activities from me that will keep you busy for the week! Sport's week is always a great week at school but there's no reason you cant have just as much fun at home! Enjoy and don't forget to send me on videos/pictures of anything you get up to :)

It's Multicultural Week this week and Ms Spillane has been working so hard on lots of activities you will be doing during the week. You will find the timetable and activities on the Multicultural Week site which I have linked in your activity page.There you will also find a super cool dance that Susan has put together so be sure to see can you dance along to that. I have uploaded some optional activities that you could do at home. Please send me on anything you do. I'd love to see them! Don't forget to send your showcase piece to [email protected]. Anything you send on will be greatly appreciated!
It's officially your last month in Senior Infants! That was a very fast year. Can you believe it's June already?? If we were at school we would be doing lot of fun activities but there's no reason why you can't do that at home too! The work for the next month is all optional. I have not set specific work for each day. it's more of a menu that you can pull from during the week if you feel like doing something. The most important thing for you to do is to get working on what you would like to send in for our showcase. All the information about it is in your activity table! I'm very excited to see what you will come up with!
Good morning everybody. How is everyone today? I will hopefully get to see some of you later when you come to collect your books from school. I hope everyone is staying safe in the sun. It's so important. Some of your work for the next two days is all about sun safety so make sure you know all about it! Have a good day :)
Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you're all enjoying the lovely sunny weather. Don't forget to put on sunblock if you're going outside. Wearing a hat and sunglasses is also a good way to help keep you protected from the sun. Have a super day :)
Welcome back to the start of a new week. I hope you all had a lovely weekend. It's meant to be lovely and sunny this week so lots of time to explore gardens/parks and look for lovely flowers,plants and butterflies. A big happy birthday to Lily who turns 6 today. You're all going to have gotten so much bigger by the time we're back in school! Enjoy your day :)
Happy Friday! Well done on making it through another week. Over the weekend keep an eye out for flowers/plants/butterflies that you might see when you're out walking or in the garden. Fingers crossed the sun shines for us. Enjoy your two days off :)
Good morning :) Did you all enjoy the sunny day yesterday? I sat out in the garden and I saw lots of bees and butterflies. The bees were landing on the flowers so I think they were trying to collect pollen to make yummy honey. It was so lovely seeing some of you on zoom yesterday. Ducky was also delighted to get to see some familiar faces. Hope everyone has a good day :)
Happy Wednesday everyone. It's meant to be lovely and warm today so make sure you get out in the sun. It's perfect weather for all the lovely plants and flowers you see in gardens to grow. If you're outside don't forget to put on sunblock! Enjoy the day :)
Good morning everyone :)Are you enjoying learning about the garden centre and flowers? Flowers are so pretty they always put a smile on my face if I'm feeling sad. I am looking forward to our zoom call tomorrow. Look how hard this boy has been working on his clay skills. Keep it up :)
Welcome back to a new week :) Hope you all had a lovely weekend. You are starting a new Aistear theme today. It's all about gardens and the garden centre so that will be fun! One boy in our class celebrated his birthday on Saturday. Look at what he got! Do you know what it is??
Well done everyone for making it through another week. You can put your feet up and relax for the weekend. Let's hope the sun shines for us :).
Good morning everyone :) It was so lovely to see some of you yesterday and chat on zoom. I've missed you a lot! You were making me very hungry with all those lovely buns you have been baking. You're all like real chefs and bakers! I'll have to try bake some myself today and see if they turn out as good. You can have so much fun learning with food. Look at Artur trying to spell his name with the food he was eating. Very clever!
Happy Wednesday everyone. You're half way through the week already!! I'm looking forward to our Zoom call later and chatting to you. I hope you have lots of cool things to show me. Have a good day :)
Oh my goodness senior infants you have answered over 30000 questions on IXL. That is so impressive you must be so proud of yourselves. You all deserve a big pat on the back! For those of you coming on the zoom call tomorrow don't forgot to find something that you'd like to show us or talk about. Keep up the super work you're doing. Here's one girl who has been working so hard since the school closed. Well done :)
Good morning everyone.Did you all have a good weekend? Look who had a very successful weekend and took their first steps on grass! They've gotten a lot bigger in a week haven't they? We still don't have names for any of them so get your thinking caps on!
It's Friday :)
Well done for making it through another week. You've been working really hard so take a well deserved break over the weekend. I'll leave you with some pictures of one boy in senior infants doing super work with his maths. Have a good weekend everyone :)
Happy Thursday everybody! Are you enjoying learning about money and the restaurant? I got a video from Jack yesterday learning all about money and he was doing an AMAZING job so well done Jack! Keep up the super work. Here are some more pictures of senior infants working hard(and taking a well deserved break in the sun)! Have a good day :)
Good morning everyone! Can you believe it's Wednesday already??It's going to be a very short week. Do you remember I told you my cat had kittens? Well they were 2 weeks old yesterday so they're still tiny but you can try and see can you spot the four of them in the pictures. It's kind of hard as they all like to sleep on top of each other!!
Welcome back to another week.I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend! You've probably all heard the news by now that we won't be back to school before the summer but I'm sure you're still going to continue all the hard work you've been doing. I was so happy over the weekend to get some videos and pictures of boys and girls working hard. Keep it up!
Happy Friday!!
You've made it through another week.Well done! You deserve a nice long break over the long weekend after all your hard work. Today's active activity is to dance the day away. I know you'll be very good at this. Please send me on any pictures/videos of what you've been getting up to during the week I love seeing them. Also a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sean who will be 7 tomorrow. We all hope you have a great day Sean. Have a super weekend everyone.
You've made it through another week.Well done! You deserve a nice long break over the long weekend after all your hard work. Today's active activity is to dance the day away. I know you'll be very good at this. Please send me on any pictures/videos of what you've been getting up to during the week I love seeing them. Also a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sean who will be 7 tomorrow. We all hope you have a great day Sean. Have a super weekend everyone.
Happy Thursday everyone. I hope you all got out for your walks yesterday without getting too wet! You have answered over 20000 questions on IXL which is just amazing. Have a look at the pictures I have of one boy doing such super work at home. I love his piles of healthy and unhealthy food and he set up his own shop too! Keep up the good work everyone you're doing an excellent job.
Happy WOW (Walk on Wednesday) day!
I went out for my walk this morning but it started raining and I got very wet! So when you're going make sure there's no grey clouds in the sky! Did you all wear your jerseys yesterday? I had my Galway jersey on me and Mr Nolan will put up the pictures later in the week so you can see if you spot it! Feel free to send me on any pictures of you in your jersey. I'd love to see them.
My cat had 4 kittens last week. They're still very very small and can't open their eyes yet but when they start getting a little bigger I'll show you some pictures. I might also need help picking names for them. So get your thinking caps on!
Enjoy your walk today :)
Good morning everyone. Are you all enjoying Active Week? I know it's different to Active week we have at school but you can still have lots of fun at home! I got a lovely video of Emma Fahy out doing sprints in the park yesterday so well done Emma! I hope your legs aren't too sore today!! Be sure to click on the green button to see what today's active activity is.
You can also click on this link which will bring you to Paul's PE challenge page. Paul is in 6th class and has been doing super work for Ms Spillane. I had a look at some of them and they look hard!
You have answered nearly 20000 questions on IXL which is AMAZING!! Keep it up. Here are some pictures I got yesterday of senior infants working hard at the supermarket and capacity. It looks like they're having lots of fun.
Good morning everyone. I hope everyone had a good weekend. To access your work from now on you can click on the button on the top right hand corner of the page. This will bring you to the list of activities you can do for the day. These are all optional so don't feel any pressure to complete them all. I will continue to post pictures on this page of the school website so keep sending on any pictures you wish to share. Here are some below of children working very hard over the past week and still managing to get their exercise in!
Happy Friday everyone! Here are some activities to finish off your week.
Happy Friday everyone! Here are some activities to finish off your week.
- You can continue playing with containers and practice filling and emptying them.
- Continue with the workbook and IXL capacity based activities.
- Finish the story Carrot Club.
- You can do some food art. Make sure you eat the food when you're finished so it doesn't go to waste. I'll show you some ideas here.
- Don't forget to get outside and get some exercise!
- Enjoy the weekend.
Good morning everyone. I hope you're enjoying learning all about the supermarket and capacity! Here are some activities for today:
This is a song they love singing. It's topical being about food and also incorporates some phonics. Enjoy!
Good morning everyone. I hope you're enjoying learning all about the supermarket and capacity! Here are some activities for today:
- If you cut out pictures of food yesterday or drew and coloured your own you are going to use them again today. Get someone to write 'shopping lists' for you. Make sure the lists contain words you can sound out like ham, milk, banana, chicken etc.You can read the lists then gather the food using your pictures. Once you have gathered the required food place the list beside each food pile and someone will check it for you to see if you got everything.
- Using the same pictures of food or you can even use real food for this you can try practice the names of food in Irish. You are going to practice 5 today:
- Milk : bainne (bon-ya)
- Apple: úll (ooo-il)
- Orange: oráiste ( ur-aw-shta)
- Bread- arán ( ar-awn)
- Cheese: cáis (caw-ish)
- this is a power point game/quiz based on capacity. When clicking on the answers hold down on the control key so it will bring you to the correct answer!
This is a song they love singing. It's topical being about food and also incorporates some phonics. Enjoy!
Good morning! How is everybody today? So many questions have been answered on IXL well done!
Good morning! How is everybody today? So many questions have been answered on IXL well done!
- Today for capacity you're going to make it a little bit harder. You will have to fill one big container using a smaller container but before you do it you must guess how many full small containers will it take to fill the big container. e.g. it may take 3 small cups of water to fill the big cup of water.
- You can do another page of workbook or IXL.
- If you have an aldi/lidl flyer or any paper or leaflet that may contain pictures of food get them to cut the pictures out. If you don't have an flyers at home your child can draw and colour food items. Get them to sort the foods into fruit/vegetable, items that go in the fridge and items that go in the press. Keep the pictures as you'll need them again.
- You can read some more pages of the story Carrot Club.
- For letter formation your child can still practice using play dough or tracing using salt or sugar like they may have done before Easter.
- you can open this page for them and once they hover over a letter the correct formation of that letter will be displayed for them which should hopefully help them as I'm aware cursive writing can be difficult!
- There is also an app called the Cursive Writing Wizard that you could download. It demonstrates the correct letter formation and then allows the children to trace over the letter. Once they get it correct they can move onto the next letter.
- The children had made a lot of progress with their cursive writing so it would be great of they could continue practicing it.
Good morning everyone. Hope you're all enjoying the nice weather.
Have a good day :)
Good morning everyone. Hope you're all enjoying the nice weather.
- Continue working with various sized containers today. Give the children simple tasks such as fill this container, empty this container make this container nearly full etc.
- Complete another page of the capacity section of the maths workbook.
- Do some IXL questions based on capacity.
- On a blank sheet of paper write the letters s a t i p n c k e h r on the top of it. Get the children to write simple cvc words using the letters written on the page e.g. sat, pen, rip, tip etc. Encourage them to use their cursive writing.
- Complete a page of the phonics book.
- this is a story about a carrot and it's set in a supermarket. Read only a few pages today. Talk about what you see in the pictures. Does the supermarket look the same/different to the one you go to and how? Encourage the children to identify any words they know. This story is also on you tube so they children could listen to it on their if that's more suitable for you.
Have a good day :)
Good morning everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your 2 weeks off work. I was so happy to get pictures,videos and messages from some of you over the break. It was so lovely seeing what you're up to and looking at the yummy eggs you got. They looked delicious. You can save some for me for when we're back!
CAPACITY: We were due to to start capacity this week in school. The children would have covered capacity in Junior Infants however this will be their first time doing it in Senior Infants. The main language/vocabulary to encourage the children to use during capacity is: more/less, empty/full, pour, fill, empty, nearly full, nearly empty.
For the beginning of the week give the children various containers/cups/bottle/cups/jugs etc. Let them arrange the containers and put them in order of what holds less to more and more to less. Fill one of the containers with salt/rice/sugar (or water if you're brave enough!) and have the children just practice the motion of pouring the contents of one container into another. Ask them questions such as what container holds the most? What container is full? What container is nearly empty? Have them watch the sesame street video I will post below and you could also complete a page of the workbook in the capacity section.
CAPACITY: We were due to to start capacity this week in school. The children would have covered capacity in Junior Infants however this will be their first time doing it in Senior Infants. The main language/vocabulary to encourage the children to use during capacity is: more/less, empty/full, pour, fill, empty, nearly full, nearly empty.
For the beginning of the week give the children various containers/cups/bottle/cups/jugs etc. Let them arrange the containers and put them in order of what holds less to more and more to less. Fill one of the containers with salt/rice/sugar (or water if you're brave enough!) and have the children just practice the motion of pouring the contents of one container into another. Ask them questions such as what container holds the most? What container is full? What container is nearly empty? Have them watch the sesame street video I will post below and you could also complete a page of the workbook in the capacity section.
Our Aistear and English theme for the month is The Supermarket and The Restaurant. This will be a topical one seeing as the supermarket is the only place we can go right now! I will post a link for a power point on The Supermarket below that you can look at with your children. Just discuss what you see in the pictures and the role everyone plays in the supermarket. They can then draw a picture of the supermarket and label the main parts/workers etc. :
Feel free to send me on anything you do or to ask me any questions: [email protected]
Our Aistear and English theme for the month is The Supermarket and The Restaurant. This will be a topical one seeing as the supermarket is the only place we can go right now! I will post a link for a power point on The Supermarket below that you can look at with your children. Just discuss what you see in the pictures and the role everyone plays in the supermarket. They can then draw a picture of the supermarket and label the main parts/workers etc. :
Feel free to send me on anything you do or to ask me any questions: [email protected]
Well today is the official start of your Easter Holidays! It would have been a very fun day in school but you can still have lots of fun at home. these are instructions on how to make a bunny rabbit using an old sock and some rice! on this website you will find lots of clues and ideas for doing an Easter egg hunt in your house. You can take it in turns to hide eggs and see who is the fastest at finding all of them! Don't be afraid to make up your own clues either!
You've all made rice crispy buns with me at school before so maybe you could show your mom and dad how to make them at home. Put a little egg on top and you have a bird's nest. Don't feel like you have to use rice crispy's. You can use cornflakes or all bran to make them look even more like real nests!
And finally! I know how much you love doing the Boom Chicka Boom Song at school so here's an Easter version of it. You can dance till your heart's content!
Have a super Easter everyone and feel free to send me on anything you've been doing or any questions you have over the next 2 weeks :)
A certain someone has been busy painting her eggs and getting lots of fresh air today. I love the big smiley faces on both her and her egg! I'm looking forward to the super artwork she'll do when we're back in school!
Check out Blake's amazing artwork that he's been doing at home. These drawings are excellent and it's so clever how he drew them. Look at the pictures and see could you draw one like it. Keep up the super work Blake :)
Good morning everybody. Hope no one played any April Fool's jokes on you yesterday! Did you have fun decorating your Easter eggs online yesterday? Do you remember when we were doing the farm in Aistear and one of your jobs was collecting the eggs from the hens? Well yesterday I went out to my hens and I collected the eggs. I brought them in and put them in the hen shape basket. Then I picked one egg and decorated it for Easter. If you have any eggs at home you could decorate one later today. You can use paints or markers. Its probably better if you boil your egg first so it doesn't make a big mess if it falls! Have a look at my hens and eggs.
How many hens do you see?
How would you describe the weather in the picture?
If each hen lays one egg a day how many would I get a day?
Estimate how many eggs you think are in the hen basket.
What colours did I use to decorate my egg?
It's April Fool's Day! I hope no one plays a joke on you later! I wonder if we were at school would you have played a joke on me? To keep yourselves busy for a while today you can do some Easter maths. You have to make patterns using Easter eggs, match Easter eggs that look the same and count Easter eggs.When you're finished doing your maths you can decorate your own Easter egg. Be as creative as you want. I will leave the links for the games here.
For the first 4 games sometimes an ad for a video game comes up before the game starts so if you like to check that before your child starts playing you can.
Also don't forget you can send me on anything you've been doing at home. Check out the AMAZING paintings that were sent to me earlier. They are so impressive. Keep up the good work :)
Good morning :) A fun activity for today could be to look at the Dublin zoo webcam: can see lots of animals including elephants, penguins and lions! They are feeding the penguins at 2 30 so if you were free you could tune in at that time to watch them being fed. Can you remember from Aistear where penguins live and what they like to eat? Pick out your favourite animal that you see and maybe draw a picture of it or even make it using some play dough. You could make a whole zoo of animals!
Keep practising your IXL and cursive writing as well as doing some of your workbooks. Have a good day :)
Good morning everybody. Hope you all had a good weekend. Keep up the super work with IXL you have now answered 3300 questions in less than a week! Blake, Manahil, Hannah, Yasmin and Adam H have all been answering lots of questions to increase this number. Well done :)
This is a lovely online story about helping the Easter Bunny save Easter. See can you get your mom or dad or an older brother or sister in the house to read it for you. Make sure you help them and pick out any words that you know e.g. the,on,there,they etc. There should be lots of them!
When you have finished reading the story take a look at all the pictures. Pick out something from the pictures e.g. the daffodils, the tree, the fox etc. Draw a picture of what you pick, label your picture and in your best cursive writing write 3 facts about what you have picked. You can send me on any of the work you do:)
Remember there is no pressure to do this work I will just keep posting ideas as to what you could do to keep busy during the day.You can do as much or as little as you like!
I want you to see can you recognise this boy from Senior Infants? His mom sent me these of him out and about getting fresh air and practicing his hurling skills! He looks like he is having lots of fun. Mr Nolan would be very proud of your hurling skills for the active flag! Keep it up :)
Good morning everybody! I know everyone in Senior Infants loves to play with playdough so over the coming week I think it would be fun if we made some doctors/dentist equipment using playdough. You could also make some healthy/unhealthy foods or even practice your numbers and letters. There's so much to do with it! Some of you might have playdough at home but if you don't you could try make your own. I will leave the instructions here for making your own playdough. You can make it whatever colour you want or make lots of different colours!
You will need
1. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. In a separate bowl mix together the water, a few drops of food colouring and the oil.
2. Pour the coloured water into the flour mix and bring together with a spoon.
3. Dust a work surface with a little flour and turn out the dough. Knead together for a few minutes to form a smooth, pliable dough. If you want a more intense colour you can work in a few extra drops of food colouring.
4. Store in a plastic sandwich bag (squeeze out the air) in the fridge to keep it fresh.
If you would like to show me what you've been doing at home please take a picture of it and send it to me at [email protected]. It doesn't have to be playdough related it can be anything at all! I'd love to see what you have been up to! Enjoy the weekend :)
Good morning everybody! I know everyone in Senior Infants loves to play with playdough so over the coming week I think it would be fun if we made some doctors/dentist equipment using playdough. You could also make some healthy/unhealthy foods or even practice your numbers and letters. There's so much to do with it! Some of you might have playdough at home but if you don't you could try make your own. I will leave the instructions here for making your own playdough. You can make it whatever colour you want or make lots of different colours!
You will need
- 8 tbsp plain flour
- 2 tbsp table salt
- 60ml warm water
- food colouring
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
1. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. In a separate bowl mix together the water, a few drops of food colouring and the oil.
2. Pour the coloured water into the flour mix and bring together with a spoon.
3. Dust a work surface with a little flour and turn out the dough. Knead together for a few minutes to form a smooth, pliable dough. If you want a more intense colour you can work in a few extra drops of food colouring.
4. Store in a plastic sandwich bag (squeeze out the air) in the fridge to keep it fresh.
If you would like to show me what you've been doing at home please take a picture of it and send it to me at [email protected]. It doesn't have to be playdough related it can be anything at all! I'd love to see what you have been up to! Enjoy the weekend :)
Hi boys and girls, I hope you're all keeping well. Some of you have been working so hard! I could not believe when I logged into IXL this morning and after 2 days you already have over 2000 questions answered!! I am so impressed. Well done to Miley who has answered over 600 on her own! Yousef, Sean, Emma F and Jack have answered so many questions also so a big well done to them and to everyone who has been working hard on IXL since Tuesday.
Hi boys and girls, I hope you're all keeping well. Some of you have been working so hard! I could not believe when I logged into IXL this morning and after 2 days you already have over 2000 questions answered!! I am so impressed. Well done to Miley who has answered over 600 on her own! Yousef, Sean, Emma F and Jack have answered so many questions also so a big well done to them and to everyone who has been working hard on IXL since Tuesday.
IXL: 24/3
I am pleased to share with you that during our time away from the classroom environment we will be using a website called IXL.
IXL is a fun comprehensive learning programme offering unlimited maths practice across thousands of skills—all of which are aligned to the national curriculum. One of the best things about IXL is that your child can access it from the comfort of their home and continue to learn and I will be able to observe and respond to their progress.
To get your child started on your home computer, please follow these easy steps:
1. Go to
2. Enter your child's username and password and click "Sign in."
(I will be sending your child's username and password via a Scoil Treasa text message today.)
3. Click on any skill to start learning!
For on-the-go practice, you can download IXL’s free tablet apps for iPad, Android or Kindle and sign in with your child’s username and password. IXL is designed to help your child learn at his or her own pace. The programme is adaptive and will adjust based on your child's demonstrated understanding of the material. All of your child's results will be saved, so you can monitor his or her progress anytime by clicking on Analytics.
Children will need help to log in and navigate this website at first but should be able to complete most of the tasks independently as there is a sound option to read each question!
As you are aware, Ms Dolan works with Senior Infants aswell, so feel free to contact her also if you have any queries at: [email protected]
IXL is a fun comprehensive learning programme offering unlimited maths practice across thousands of skills—all of which are aligned to the national curriculum. One of the best things about IXL is that your child can access it from the comfort of their home and continue to learn and I will be able to observe and respond to their progress.
To get your child started on your home computer, please follow these easy steps:
1. Go to
2. Enter your child's username and password and click "Sign in."
(I will be sending your child's username and password via a Scoil Treasa text message today.)
3. Click on any skill to start learning!
For on-the-go practice, you can download IXL’s free tablet apps for iPad, Android or Kindle and sign in with your child’s username and password. IXL is designed to help your child learn at his or her own pace. The programme is adaptive and will adjust based on your child's demonstrated understanding of the material. All of your child's results will be saved, so you can monitor his or her progress anytime by clicking on Analytics.
Children will need help to log in and navigate this website at first but should be able to complete most of the tasks independently as there is a sound option to read each question!
As you are aware, Ms Dolan works with Senior Infants aswell, so feel free to contact her also if you have any queries at: [email protected]
Monday 23rd March
Good morning boys and girls. I hope everyone had a super weekend and made their mommies feel very special. Me and my sister made a chocolate cake for our mom and then went to the garden a picked some daffodils. She was very happy!
Monday morning at school means one thing and that's cursive writing. I know I didn't send your writing books home but you can still practice at home. Ask your mom or dad nicely for some salt or sugar. They might help you pour this onto a plate or into a lunchbox or any sort of tray you might have at home. Now it looks just like the salt trays we have at school and you can start practicing your cursive letters!
I know you're probably all missing Aistear but you could still try do some at home. If you have any lego or blocks you can make a little construction station for yourself. I'm sure if you take a look in your bin you will find lots of boxes and containers that you could use for junk art. Let your imagination run wild! You can also colour in the pictures of the doctor/dentist I sent home.
For healthy/unhealthy eating maybe look through your food presses and fridge and put some food out on the table. Sort the healthy food into one pile and the unhealthy food into the other pile. Make sure you put all the food back where you got it when you're finished!
It's not raining here in Galway (for once!) so I'm sure it's the same in Dublin.. Make sure you get outside and get lots of fresh air. You could even bring out some paper and a pencil and draw a picture of a flower or something nice you see.
Enjoy your day,
Ms Broderick :)
Monday morning at school means one thing and that's cursive writing. I know I didn't send your writing books home but you can still practice at home. Ask your mom or dad nicely for some salt or sugar. They might help you pour this onto a plate or into a lunchbox or any sort of tray you might have at home. Now it looks just like the salt trays we have at school and you can start practicing your cursive letters!
I know you're probably all missing Aistear but you could still try do some at home. If you have any lego or blocks you can make a little construction station for yourself. I'm sure if you take a look in your bin you will find lots of boxes and containers that you could use for junk art. Let your imagination run wild! You can also colour in the pictures of the doctor/dentist I sent home.
For healthy/unhealthy eating maybe look through your food presses and fridge and put some food out on the table. Sort the healthy food into one pile and the unhealthy food into the other pile. Make sure you put all the food back where you got it when you're finished!
It's not raining here in Galway (for once!) so I'm sure it's the same in Dublin.. Make sure you get outside and get lots of fresh air. You could even bring out some paper and a pencil and draw a picture of a flower or something nice you see.
Enjoy your day,
Ms Broderick :)
Mother's Day
If we had been at school during the week we would have been busy making some cards for all yer lovely mammies. Just because you're at home doesn't mean you can't get creative. I know from junk art that you are all more than capable of coming up with something super! Why not be extra special to your mommy this year and maybe help someone make her breakfast in bed or get baking. I know there's some budding bakers in the class based on the lovely buns I got on Valentine's Day( they were so yummy!) I will leave some ideas for cards/treats you could make your Mom. Make sure you get help from someone if you are in the kitchen. I hope there's lots of surprised and happy moms around Dublin 8 on Sunday morning!
March 2020
Hello to all the Senior Infant boys and girls and moms and dads.
I hope you are all doing OK and not missing school too much yet! You should have your work pack at home with you with your activity sheets and workbooks. Here are some more ideas for when you are looking for something to pass the time.
Download Teach your Monster to Read if you have access to a laptop or tablet. We have done this in the classroom and the children love it. It's a good game for revising dolch words and phonics.
Watching Alphablocks on YouTube is also good revision of phonics.
Twinkl is a fantastic resource that is free for the month. It has every resource you could want for any topic and would be well worth a look at.
Remember to go outside and get some fresh air and look at as many books as you can. If you have an older brother or sister maybe they could help you too.
If you have any questions or concerns you can contact me at [email protected].
Stay Safe :)
Ms. Broderick
I hope you are all doing OK and not missing school too much yet! You should have your work pack at home with you with your activity sheets and workbooks. Here are some more ideas for when you are looking for something to pass the time.
Download Teach your Monster to Read if you have access to a laptop or tablet. We have done this in the classroom and the children love it. It's a good game for revising dolch words and phonics.
Watching Alphablocks on YouTube is also good revision of phonics.
Twinkl is a fantastic resource that is free for the month. It has every resource you could want for any topic and would be well worth a look at.
Remember to go outside and get some fresh air and look at as many books as you can. If you have an older brother or sister maybe they could help you too.
If you have any questions or concerns you can contact me at [email protected].
Stay Safe :)
Ms. Broderick
Pancake Tuesday
Senior infants was the place to be for Pancake Tuesday! We had a pancake flipping competition, a pancake shop and decorated yummy pancakes that we got to eat. Chocolate of course was the most popular choice however there were a few brave boys and girls that opted for just lemon! Have a look at what we got up to.
Vets on Call
Senior infants were very busy learning all about the work of a vet. They looked after all the sick animals very well and they were very proud of the work they did!
To infinity and beyond!!
Senior Infants spent the month of January in outer space. We loved learning about all the different planets and astronauts and we even saw some aliens. We were happy to get back to Earth as we were running out of food up there and the spaceship was feeling a bit cramped!
Busy elves
While everyone else in the school was busy thinking about what Christmas presents to buy and what to leave out for Santa we were very busy helping the elves in their workshop in the North Pole. We had to perfect our wrapping skills and help Santa load his sleigh. It was tiring work and we were glad of the 2 week break after it!
Happy Halloween!!
We have had a very spooky month here in Senior Infants. We made magic potions, made spooky treats and dressed up in really scary costumes! We loved giving the teacher a fright.
Back to school
I am so happy to have all our lovely boys and girls back again and ready for the year ahead. Not only are we back to school in real life but we are learning about being back to school in Aistear. Have a look at what we have been up to. We think we made great teachers!
Multi Cultural Week
We started off multi cultural week with a guest speaker in from Somalia. We learned lots of interesting facts about Somalia and even got to try on some Somalian clothes! We're not sure if we'd like to live there though because it gets so hot! All of junior infants were lucky enough to get to visit a Middle Eastern Restaurant. We had a great time. We read the menus, ordered our food and got to see the chef working in the kitchen. We were glad we had done the restaurant in Aistear so we knew what to do! We wish we could go to the restaurant every day for lunch!! Have a look at some of our multi cultural week pictures below.
Active Week
We were kept very busy during Active Week again this year. We were doing Pilates, hang tough, obstacle courses, penalty shoot outs and so much more! We were so tired by the end of the week and our legs were so sore. We would like to thank Mr Nolan for all the work he did organising all the games and activities. Here are some of the pictures of us struggling with hang tough!
Pancake Party
Pancake Tuesday has come and gone and it certainly did not disappoint! We had lots of pancakes with lots of different toppings. Chocolate and cream were the most popular and also the messiest! A lot of us had chocolate on our fingers ad faces and some even had chocolate in their hair! They were so delicious that we only left half a pancake for our teacher! We're already looking forward to next year's pancake party.
Beating the January Blues
We have been keeping very busy since Christmas to help make January go a lot faster! In Aistear we were learning all about the Arctic and the Antarctic. We loved looking at all the penguins and polar bears. We were super lucky to even touch some real snowballs that were brought into us, We loved feeling the snow but we didn't love how cold it was! We also celebrated Grandparents Day in January. It was a very special day and it was lovely to have our grandparents in the classroom where we could show them our work and sing our songs for them. We hope we can come back to school for a day when we're grandparents! Hope everybody had a lovely January and enjoys the start of spring.
Nativity Play
Junior Infants put on an Oscar worthy performance for their moms and dads before the Christmas. Every boy and girl worked so hard at learning their lines and practising their songs. They looked great in their costumes and everyone was so proud of them on the day. We may have some future stars in our class! Here's us looking very professional on stage.
Busy Bee's!!
Junior Infants have nearly two months of school completed and my goodness they have been so busy! They have been practising all their new sounds and words, went on a teddy bear's picnic, are busy learning all about homes in Aistear and now they're enjoying maths week! We're looking forward to dressing up next week for Halloween. We hope we're not too scary for our teacher! Take a look at all the pictures of the busy Junior Infants at work.
A big welcome to all the new boys and girls who started with us. They have all settled in so well and I'm sure they will work really hard. We have our Teddy Bear's picnic to look forward to at the end of September and we are really excited for that! Check out how smart they all look in their uniforms!
And so a new year begins. I would like to welcome all of our new children to Junior Infants in Scoil Treasa Naofa. With only two days gone I am very encouraged with what I have seen, a great bunch of pupils, enthusiastic, ready to learn and have fun. Looking forward to a great and interesting year ahead, learning lots of new things and building a platform for a bright future. Stay tuned throughout the year for more updates.
And so a new year begins. I would like to welcome all of our new children to Junior Infants in Scoil Treasa Naofa. With only two days gone I am very encouraged with what I have seen, a great bunch of pupils, enthusiastic, ready to learn and have fun. Looking forward to a great and interesting year ahead, learning lots of new things and building a platform for a bright future. Stay tuned throughout the year for more updates.
Teddy Bears' Picnic
Well, last Wednesday we had a fabulous day at our annual picnic. It was the children's first day out and they were so good. They made their teacher and parents extremely proud. Once we arrived we went straight for the playground, we had a great time; swinging, climbing, sliding and so much more. After all that activity we stalled for a break and to refuel. We had a lovely picnic in the park and then straight back at it to the games station. We got to play some great games before we hit the road again back to school.
As you can see in the photos below, we left our teddy's behaving themselves in class but when we arrived back that was not how we found them!!
It is impossible to capture all the fun we had in pictures but below are a very small snapshot of the fun we had.
Well, last Wednesday we had a fabulous day at our annual picnic. It was the children's first day out and they were so good. They made their teacher and parents extremely proud. Once we arrived we went straight for the playground, we had a great time; swinging, climbing, sliding and so much more. After all that activity we stalled for a break and to refuel. We had a lovely picnic in the park and then straight back at it to the games station. We got to play some great games before we hit the road again back to school.
As you can see in the photos below, we left our teddy's behaving themselves in class but when we arrived back that was not how we found them!!
It is impossible to capture all the fun we had in pictures but below are a very small snapshot of the fun we had.
Aistear theme for October is...
We are going to spending October learning about homes and houses. We will be learning about;
Go raibh míle maith agaibh.
- Types of homes/houses.
- Materials used to build homes.
- Rooms in the home
- Furniture
- People we live with.
Go raibh míle maith agaibh.
Aistear theme for November is.....
Post Office
Post Office
This month we will be learning all about the Post Office. We will be reading books like 'Flat Stanley', 'Dear Greenpeace' and 'Katie Morag delivers the mail'. We will be covering language about the mail, for example: envelope, delivering, parcel, letters, address and much more. The Activities will be a mixture of role play (The post office), construction, small world (Building towns and giving addresses) and creative (writing letters and post cards).
Below are some pictures of the activities we were taking part in during the month of October. For the most part they are from Aistear and Maths where the children were making patterns and sorting.
Below are some pictures of the activities we were taking part in during the month of October. For the most part they are from Aistear and Maths where the children were making patterns and sorting.
Go raibh maith agaibh
I would like to thank all the parents that came along to our writing celebration on the 23rd of November. I hope you enjoyed it as much as the children did. It was great that they got to share the fruits of their hard work with you. The next time you are in we hope to see an even bigger improvement.
I would like to thank all the parents that came along to our writing celebration on the 23rd of November. I hope you enjoyed it as much as the children did. It was great that they got to share the fruits of their hard work with you. The next time you are in we hope to see an even bigger improvement.
Busy December ahead...
With preparation for the nativity well underway the children will now get their lines for homework. If you could please help them practice their lines it would really help us in school.
We are also working hard in the elves workshop in Aistear at the moment. The imagination and ingenuity of the children amazes me day after day. In junk art they are making some excellent presents for children all around the world. Their will be pictures to follow so keep an eye out
With preparation for the nativity well underway the children will now get their lines for homework. If you could please help them practice their lines it would really help us in school.
We are also working hard in the elves workshop in Aistear at the moment. The imagination and ingenuity of the children amazes me day after day. In junk art they are making some excellent presents for children all around the world. Their will be pictures to follow so keep an eye out
Thank you
I would like to say a massive thank you to all who showed up to our Christmas show on Monday. The children worked so hard for the past 4 weeks learning lines, singing songs and learning dances. Ms Broderick and I were so proud of all the children and I can only imagine you were too. Have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year and we shall see you back again in January.
I would like to say a massive thank you to all who showed up to our Christmas show on Monday. The children worked so hard for the past 4 weeks learning lines, singing songs and learning dances. Ms Broderick and I were so proud of all the children and I can only imagine you were too. Have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year and we shall see you back again in January.
We had a special visitor in school today!!
Tháinig Daidí na Nollag le bronntannais. Bhí na páistí ar bís! Bhí lá iontach acu, bhaineadar sult as an gcuairt. Tá cúpla pictiúirí thíos :)
Below are some photos of day 1 of gymnastics. We did a lot of rolling, balancing and jumping. The children showed some great skills at the imagination station where they had to come up with their own movements. .I am looking forward to next time as we progress through the programme.
Below are some photos of day 1 of gymnastics. We did a lot of rolling, balancing and jumping. The children showed some great skills at the imagination station where they had to come up with their own movements. .I am looking forward to next time as we progress through the programme.
Arctic and Antarctic is the Aistear theme for January.
The beginning of Spring has brought with it a new Aistear theme which is THE FARM. We started learning and reading about the farm last week and today was the beginning of all the activities. There is so much to learn and so much scope to develop during this theme. I cannot wait to really get going. Below are some pictures of day one.
Ról Imirt sa Ghaeilge
The children taking part in a role play activity in Irish. They were so good chatting to each other, asking and answering questions. Maith sibh :)
The children taking part in a role play activity in Irish. They were so good chatting to each other, asking and answering questions. Maith sibh :)
The Farm
Below are some of the pictures taken during Aistear 'On the Farm'. As you can see all the children are busy at work. One of the farmers is even reading a book to the lamb before bed time. Isn't that just lovely?! Other pictures include the construction workers building better homes for the animals, the jigsaws that the children brilliantly put together and last but not least, the children making their own farm in 'small world', sorting all the animals.
More photos have and will be added to this throughout the month.
Below are some of the pictures taken during Aistear 'On the Farm'. As you can see all the children are busy at work. One of the farmers is even reading a book to the lamb before bed time. Isn't that just lovely?! Other pictures include the construction workers building better homes for the animals, the jigsaws that the children brilliantly put together and last but not least, the children making their own farm in 'small world', sorting all the animals.
More photos have and will be added to this throughout the month.
Gaeilgeoir na Seachtaine
Maith an Fear
"Help, is anyone here a doctor????"
Below are some pictures of the work going on in the Hospital this month. With all the talk about the New Children's Hospital being built up the road, our own Centre of Medical Excellence here at Scoil Treasa Naofa has gone under the radar. Not only have the doctors and nurses been treating the ill and injured, the research centre has not stopped researching. Our radiology department has never been so busy either.
I will upload more photos as time goes on. It was very hard to take time out to take pictures the last week with all the activities and learning going on. It is non-stop learning and fun. A good complaint to have :)
A busy March
Below are some of the snaps from a very busy month. We had Seachtain na Gaeilge, Lá Glas, World Book Day celebration and our annual Easter Egg Hunt. A great time was had by all. What impressed me the most was the standard of and the enthusiasm in which Irish was spoken around the school.
Below are some of the snaps from a very busy month. We had Seachtain na Gaeilge, Lá Glas, World Book Day celebration and our annual Easter Egg Hunt. A great time was had by all. What impressed me the most was the standard of and the enthusiasm in which Irish was spoken around the school.
April/May News
It's been busy, busy, busy since the Easter break!! As I am writing this and looking back over the website it really shows how far we have come since September. The work the children are doing in class at the moment is nothing short of fantastic. We are all learning so much each day, including myself. Listening to the children reading and watching them doing their maths activities is just great. The enthusiasm with which they speak Irish is brilliant in itself as well. We have one final push until the summer holidays so let's keep it going.
In such a busy month we had Active Week. The children had a great time!! We did all kinds of exercising including; tug of war, obstacle courses, penalties versus your teacher, relays and dancing. We also raised the Active Flag. Two athletes came in from the Irish rugby team and spoke to us about their interests and hobbies and afterwards they raised the flag. It was a lovely occasion. Being an Active School is a great achievement and a great initiative for the children to be involved in.
Below are just a couple of photographs from the month. There will be more on the Active Flag page on this site.
In such a busy month we had Active Week. The children had a great time!! We did all kinds of exercising including; tug of war, obstacle courses, penalties versus your teacher, relays and dancing. We also raised the Active Flag. Two athletes came in from the Irish rugby team and spoke to us about their interests and hobbies and afterwards they raised the flag. It was a lovely occasion. Being an Active School is a great achievement and a great initiative for the children to be involved in.
Below are just a couple of photographs from the month. There will be more on the Active Flag page on this site.